接收的傳真是以電郵附件形式送遞至你登記的電郵地址,若你不能打開傳真、或你只能讀取第一頁、或打開後昰拉長了黑色的一頁;這表示你的電腦未能和正確的基本圖像軟件掛勾。 通常這不會發生,只會在舊的微軟視窗例如3.1、95或你曾按裝第三者的圖像軟件例如PhotoShop改動了視窗的基本圖像軟件掛勾。這是很容易糾正的,只需跟隨以下步驟便可解決﹕


  1. Open Windows Explorer, select "Tools", "Folder Options"

  2. Select "File Types"

  3. Select "TIF"

  4. Select "Change..."

  5. Click to select any one from the three choices*        *Depends on the version installed, Adobe Acrobat might label differently and it is okay to select.

  6. Click OK to finish


Received fax is attached as multiple pages faxable TIF file format in email.  TIF is the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) fax standard format which can be viewed by  Windows or other platform as standard installation.  However, you might have installed other imaging software which change the default file associated with TIF file extension.  For example, although Paintbrush or Photoshop can open TIF, it can only display single page is it is not cater for multiple TIF fax file.  You can use the above guides to rectify it.  Most common application to open TIF is Windows Picture and Fax Viewer which come with Windows 2000/XP/2003, Microsoft Office Document Imaging with come with Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader which is free to download from www.adobe.com.  




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